"Getting Back to Good", One Soul at at Time
We are a non-profit society formed on January 8, 2018 under the British Columbia Society Act and were approved by the Canada Revenue Agency as a registered charity, effective September 10, 2018.
Our purpose is to help relieve poverty by providing items needed by the homeless or those on low income. These items include, but are not limited to:
Warm clothing, coats, hats, gloves, scarves, new socks
Gently used or new blankets or sleeping bags
Non-perishable food, water and beverages
Personal hygiene products
Small kitchen appliances, cookware, dishes, cutlery
​All items that are provided directly to those in need or to other organizations are provided at no cost.
Our initial focus is to provide items directly to individuals who are homeless or on low income or to those in need in shelters, transition homes or safe houses in Abbotsford. This will be expanded to surrounding municipalities as resources become available. The longer term vision is to expand to other regions of the Lower Mainland and province.
The Society is non-denominational and as such we invite all groups and non-profit or for-profit organizations to reach out to us to explore opportunities to combine our resources to increase the level of support and broaden the range of items distributed.
As resources become available and through partnerships with various levels of government, local community service offices, non-profit organizations and private donors, we will do our part to help provide more affordable accommodations to those with limited resources.